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Easily chart the shifting market landscapes that matter to you—in less time

Leverage PitchBook’s world-class private market data and analyst expertise to gauge opportunities in a competitive environment with our actionable, insight-filled market maps.

Ready to get started with PitchBook? Request a free trial today.

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Try PitchBook

Pre-formatted, presentation-ready market maps in an instant

PitchBook’s market maps are instantly formatted with size- and shape-appropriate company logos populated from your Advanced Search results in the platform. Finally, market mapping made easy.

PitchBook pre-formatted market maps for FoodTech.

Take your custom market maps to the next level

Use our market mapping tools to fully customize to your firm's needs. Create market maps from company lists or Advanced Search results and zero in on metrics that tell a compelling story—from total capital raised to post-valuation and more.

PitchBook market maps data labels dialog box for segment data and company data.

Dive deeper into established industries and sectors and define new ones for yourself

Utilize auto-generated market maps that highlight similar companies based on your Advanced Search results and define your own custom segments from there. PitchBook's pre-segmented maps are populated with curated tagging and machine learning, but our customers can add or remove from there to define the segments that work for them.

PitchBook market maps dialog box for segmentation method and active segments.

Discover emerging technologies with our analyst-made market maps

Our one-stop-shop gives customers direct access to 90+ emerging technology market maps created by PitchBook analysts. Use these market maps—covering everything from fintech to mobility—as-is or make tweaks based on your firm’s unique needs and save a new version.

PitchBook market maps center showing most popular maps and recently added maps.

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