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PitchBook Desktop

Uncover hard-to-find details with comprehensive company profiles

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See a company's deal and investment history in seconds

We identify different types of financing and funding rounds so you don't have to spend hours scrubbing data. With precedent transaction information at your fingertips, you can evaluate a target's true potential and price deals with confidence.

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See a company's deal and investment history in seconds

Understand a company's growth in a broader context

Visual Timeline

Get a high-level overview of the key moments in a company's lifecycle, including financing rounds and employee count over time.


See non-financial metrics like pace of hiring, website traffic and social media followers for a better understanding of a company's growth.

Compare companies side-by-side

With PitchBook Comparisons, you can instantly stack companies up against each other. From within the profile, you're able to build comps using our precedent transaction data, share your analysis and download a presentation-ready visualization.

Learn more about PitchBook Comparisons.

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