Sodero Gestion Overview

  • Investor Type
  • Venture Capital
  • Status
  • Active
  • Professionals
  • 9
  • Investments
  • 173
  • Portfolio
  • 71
  • Exits
  • 63

Sodero Gestion General Information


Founded in 1958, Sodéro Gestion is a venture capital firm based in Nantes, France. The firm seeks to invest in the business and consumer products and services, energy, healthcare, financial, information technology, materials and resources, security, manufacturing, and clean-tech sectors.

Contact Information

Year Founded
Investor Status
Actively Seeking New Investments
Primary Investor Type
Venture Capital
Other Investor Types
Primary Office
  • 13 rue La Pérouse
  • 44000 Nantes
  • France
+33 02 00 00 00 00

Sodero Gestion Investments & Acquisitions (173)

Company Name Deal Date Deal Type Deal Size Industry Company Stage Lead Partner
Nat'Kaps Laboratoire 24-Jan-2022 PE Growth/Expansion BPO/Outsource Services Generating Revenue 00000000 00000
0000000 00 12-Jan-2022 00000 00000 00.000 Plant Textiles Generating Revenue
000000000 17-Dec-2021 0000000000 00.000 Building Products Generating Revenue 000000 0000000
000'000000 01-Nov-2021 000000000000 Plastic Containers and Packaging Generating Revenue
00000000 00000000 15-Sep-2021 00000 00000 00.000 Business/Productivity Software Generating Revenue
00000'0 00000000 29-Jul-2021 0000000000 Security Services (B2B) Generating Revenue 0000000 0000
0000000 00000 01-Jul-2021 0000000000 Building Products Generating Revenue
00000000 28-Jun-2021 00000 00000 00000 Business/Productivity Software Generating Revenue
Socap 01-Jun-2021 Buyout/LBO Building Products Generating Revenue
SOR Iberica 27-May-2021 Buyout/LBO 00000 Road Profitable
You’re viewing 10 of 173 investments and acquisitions. Get the full list »
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Sodero Gestion Exits (63)

Company Name Exit Date Exit Type Exit Size
Loubat 17-Dec-2021 Buyout/LBO
0000 0000000000000 01-Sep-2021 000000000 00000000
00 000000000 00000 20-Jul-2021 0000000000
00000 (0000 000000 08-Jul-2021 000000000000000000
000000000 25-Jun-2021 000000000000000000
0000000 03-Jun-2021 0000000000
000000000 01-Apr-2021 000000000 00000000
0000000000 01-Apr-2021 000000000 00000000
Systosolar 16-Dec-2020 Merger/Acquisition
Nke 10-Dec-2020 Buyout/LBO
You’re viewing 10 of 63 exits. Get the full list »

Sodero Gestion Investments by Industry, Year, and Region

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Sodero Gestion Team (17)

Name Title Deals Funds Boards Office
Philippe Quelennec Directeur général 0 0 Nantes, France
Olivier Blot Managing Director 00 0 Nantes, France
Romain Engrand Directeur Exécutif 0 0 Rennes, France
Catherine Bizette-Tizon Assistante administrative Rennes, France
Beatrice Ravaud Assistante Administrative Nantes, France
You’re viewing 5 of 17 team members. Get the full list »

Sodero Gestion Co-Investors (33)

Name With Exits Lead Partner Series Industry
Pays de la Loire Participations 9 0 Series chart Industry bar
Pays de La Loire Developpement 0 0 Series chart Industry bar
Pays de la Loire Développement 0 Series chart Industry bar
ABAB (Atlantic Business Angels Booster) 0 Series chart Industry bar
GO Capital (France) 0 0 0 Series chart Industry bar
You’re viewing 5 of 33 co-investors. Get the full list »