FloydHub Overview

  • Founded
  • 2016
  • Status
  • Out of Business
  • Employees
  • 4
  • Latest Deal Type
  • Out of Business

FloydHub General Information


Developer of a deep learning platform intended to facilitate training in the cloud across teams and vertical management strata. The company's platform helps to configure CPU and GPU environments primed for deep learning, saves projects, databases automatically through cloud-based interactions and have an in-built web dashboard to track, monitor, edit and share project progress, job-related queries, enabling clients to share and collaborate on their deep learning projects across single and multiple teams and increase team productivity through performance reviews and project planning.

Contact Information

Ownership Status
Out of Business
Financing Status
Formerly VC-backed
Primary Industry
Business/Productivity Software
Other Industries
Software Development Applications
Primary Office
  • 81 Langton Street
  • San Francisco, CA 94103
  • United States
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FloydHub Valuation & Funding

Deal Type Date Amount Raised to Date Post-Val Status Stage
3. Out of Business 20-Aug-2021 00000 Completed Out of Business
2. Early Stage VC 00000 Completed Generating Revenue
1. Accelerator/Incubator 21-Mar-2017 $120K $120K 00.000 Completed Generating Revenue
To view FloydHub’s complete valuation and funding history, request access »

FloydHub Comparisons

HQ Location
Total Raised
Post Valuation
Last Financing Details
Developer of a deep learning platform intended to facilitate training in the cloud across teams and vertical management
Business/Productivity Software
San Francisco, CA
4 As of 2021
00000000 00 00000


mod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exerci
000000000000000000000 00000000
Palo Alto, CA
00 As of 0000
00000000000 00000


modo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugi
000000000000000000000 00000000
Pittsburgh, PA
00 As of 0000
00000000000 00000
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FloydHub Competitors (11)

Company Name Financing Status Location Employees Total Raised Last Financing Date/Type Last Financing Amount
Docker Venture Capital-Backed Palo Alto, CA 00 00000 00000000000 00000
000000 Private Equity-Backed Pittsburgh, PA 00 00000 00000000000 00000
00000000 Private Equity-Backed San Jose, CA 00 000.00 000000000 - 000.00
0000000.00000 Formerly VC-backed Reston, VA 0 0000 000000&0 0000
00000000 Venture Capital-Backed Cupertino, CA 00 000.00 00000000000 000.00
You’re viewing 5 of 11 competitors. Get the full list »

FloydHub Signals

Growth Rate

0.80% Weekly
Weekly Growth 0.80%, 93rd %ile
-35.5%. 530%

Size Multiple

219x Median
Size Multiple 219x, 100th %ile
0.00x 0.95x. 413Kx

Key Data Points

Twitter Followers


Similarweb Unique Visitors


Majestic Referring Domains


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