ArcelorMittal Overview

  • Founded
  • 1976
  • Status
  • Public
  • Employees
  • 167,743
  • Stock Symbol
  • MT
Stock Symbol
  • Investments
  • 120
  • Share Price
  • $28.56
  • (As of Monday Closing)

ArcelorMittal General Information


ArcelorMittal SA is involved in the steel industry. The company's operating segments include NAFTA; Brazil; Europe; ACIS; Mining and others. It generates maximum revenue from the Europe segment. Europe segment produces hot-rolled coil, cold-rolled coil, coated products, tinplate, plate, and slab. These products are sold primarily to customers in the automotive, general, and packaging sectors as well as also produces long products consisting of sections, wire rod, rebar, billets, blooms and wire drawing, and tubular products. Geographically, it derives a majority of revenue from Brazil.

Contact Information

Formerly Known As
Ownership Status
Publicly Held
Financing Status
Corporate Backed or Acquired
Primary Industry
Iron and Steel Mining
Other Industries
Industrial Supplies and Parts
Stock Exchange
Primary Office
  • 24-26, Boulevard d'Avranches
  • Luxembourg, 1160
  • Luxembourg
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ArcelorMittal Stock Performance

(As of Monday Closing)

Stock Price Previous Close 52 wk Range Market Cap Shares Average Volume EPS
$28.56 $29.59 $24.14 - $37.79 $26.9B 909M 6.21M $13.53

ArcelorMittal Financials Summary

In Thousands,
TTM 31-Dec-2021 FY 2021 31-Dec-2021 FY 2020 31-Dec-2020 FY 2019 31-Dec-2019
EV 35,116,486 35,116,486 33,121,412 30,377,056
Revenue 76,571,000 76,571,000 53,270,000 70,615,000
EBITDA 20,330,000 20,330,000 4,469,000 1,742,000
Net Income 14,956,000 14,956,000 (733,000) (2,454,000)
Total Assets 90,512,000 90,512,000 82,052,000 87,908,000
Total Debt 8,401,000 8,401,000 12,322,000 14,340,000
Public Fundamental Data provided by Morningstar, Inc. disclaimer

ArcelorMittal Valuation & Funding

Deal Type Date Amount Valuation/
Post-Val Status Debt

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ArcelorMittal Comparisons

HQ Location
Total Raised
Post Valuation
Last Financing Details
ArcelorMittal SA is involved in the steel industry. The company's operating segments include NAFTA; Brazil; Europe; ACIS
Iron and Steel Mining
Luxembourg, Luxembourg
167,743 As of 2020
000000000000 00.000


idunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco l
0000 000 00000 000000
Madrid, Spain
0000 As of 0000
000000000 00000

0000 000

at. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla par
0000000000 00000000 000 00000
Mumbai, India
00000 As of 0000
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ArcelorMittal Competitors (27)

Company Name Financing Status Location Employees Total Raised Last Financing Date/Type Last Financing Amount
Acerinox Corporation Madrid, Spain 0000 00000 000000000 00000
0000 00000 Corporation Mumbai, India 00000 00000000
0000000 Private Equity-Backed Chicago, IL 0000 00000 000000000-00 00000
000000 00000 & 000 Corporate Backed or Acquired New Delhi, India 0000 00000 000000000-00 00000
000000 00000 & 000 Formerly PE-Backed New Delhi, India 0000 00000 000000000000
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ArcelorMittal Patents

ArcelorMittal Recent Patent Activity

Publication ID Patent Title Status First Filing Date Technology (CPC) Citations
CA-3085505-A1 Sandwich panel and associated assembly method Pending 05-Jul-2019 000000000
DE-102020117385-A1 Sandwich panel and associated assembly process Pending 05-Jul-2019 000000000
ES-2802902-R1 Sandwich panel and associated assembly procedure Granted 05-Jul-2019 000000000
ES-2802902-A2 Sandwich panel and associated assembly procedure (machine-translation by google translate, not legally binding) Granted 05-Jul-2019 000000000
FR-3098229-A1 Sandwich panel and associated assembly method Pending 05-Jul-2019 E04D3/361
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ArcelorMittal Executive Team (47)

Name Title Board Seat Contact Info
Geert Van Poelvoorde Chief Executive Officer, ArcelorMittal Europe & Executive Vice President
Jefferson De Paula Chief Executive Officer & Executive Vice President
Simon Wandke Member of Management Committee, Chief Executive Officer, Mining & Executive Vice President
Vijay Goyal Chief Executive Officer of ArcelorMittal CIS & Vice President
Aditya Mittal Chief Executive Officer & Board Member
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ArcelorMittal Board Members (16)

Name Representing Role Since
000000 000000 ArcelorMittal Chief Executive Officer & Board Member 000 0000
00000 000000 ArcelorMittal Board Member & Member of the Audit & Risk Committee and chairman of the Appointments, Remuneration, Corporate Governance Committee and Sustainability Committee 000 0000
0000000 000000000 Self Board Member 000 0000
0000000 000000 Self Board Member 000 0000
00000 00 00000 Self Board Member 000 0000
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ArcelorMittal Signals

Growth Rate

0.80% Weekly
Weekly Growth 0.80%, 93rd %ile
-35.5%. 530%

Size Multiple

219x Median
Size Multiple 219x, 100th %ile
0.00x 0.95x. 413Kx

Key Data Points

Twitter Followers


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Majestic Referring Domains


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ArcelorMittal Investments & Acquisitions (120)

Company Name Deal Date Deal Type Deal Size Industry Lead Partner
0000 000000 0 01-Mar-2022 0000000000 Environmental Services (B2B)
00000 000000 10-Jan-2022 0000000000 000 Energy Production
00000 03-Jan-2022 00000 0000 0000 Alternative Energy Equipment 0000000 0
00000000 30-Dec-2021 0000 Alternative Energy Equipment
LanzaTech 09-Dec-2021 Later Stage VC 0000 Energy Production 0000000 0
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ArcelorMittal Subsidiaries (19)

Company Name Industry Location Founded
ArcelorMittal Long Products Canada Industrial Supplies and Parts Contrecoeur, Canada 2015
0000000 000000 000 Building Products Mauvezin, France 0000
000000000 00000000 Corporate Pension Rotterdam, Netherlands 0000
00000 00000000 000 Iron and Steel Mining Wanchai, Hong Kong 0000
0000000000000 0000 Logistics Galati, Romania 0000
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ArcelorMittal Exits (27)

Company Name Exit Date Exit Type Exit Size Status Buyers
0000 000000 01-Mar-2015 000000000000000000 Completed
  • 0000000000000
0000000 0000000000 01-Jan-2014 00 000000000000000 Completed
  • 2 buyers
0000000 000000000 31-Jul-2013 00000 00000 00 00.000 Completed
  • 5 buyers
00000 00000 20-Jan-2013 000000000000000000 00000 Completed
  • 0000000000000
ATIC Services 05-Dec-2011 Merger/Acquisition 000.00 Completed
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