IP Group Overview

  • Investor Type
  • Venture Capital
  • Status
  • Active
  • Professionals
  • 31
  • Investments
  • 412
  • Portfolio
  • 121
  • Exits
  • 125

IP Group General Information


Founded in 2001, IP Group is a venture capital firm based in London, United Kingdom. The firm seeks to invest in early-stage to mature businesses operating in the healthcare, life science, technology, cleantech, and biotech sectors.

Contact Information

Formerly Known As
IP2IPO Group
Year Founded
Investor Status
Actively Seeking New Investments
Trade Association
Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI)
Primary Investor Type
Venture Capital
Other Investor Types
Primary Office
  • 2nd Floor, 3 Pancras Square
  • King's Cross
  • London N1C 4AG
  • England, United Kingdom
+44 020 0000 0000

IP Group Investments & Acquisitions (412)

Company Name Deal Date Deal Type Deal Size Industry Company Stage Lead Partner
Microbiotica 07-Mar-2022 Later Stage VC 000.00 Biotechnology Generating Revenue 000000 00000000 00.0
0000000 15-Feb-2022 00000 00000 00.000 Electrical Equipment Startup
0000000 000000 14-Feb-2022 00000 00000 0000 Energy Storage Generating Revenue 00000 000 00.0
00000 00000 000000 14-Feb-2022 00000 00000 0000 Energy Production Generating Revenue 000000 0000000 00.0
00:00000 06-Feb-2022 00000 00000 00.000 Business/Productivity Software Generating Revenue 00000000 00000000
00000000 21-Jan-2022 00000 00000 00.000 Business/Productivity Software Generating Revenue
0000000 15-Dec-2021 00000 00000 000.00 Enterprise Systems (Healthcare) Generating Revenue 0000 000000 00.0
000000000 30-Nov-2021 0000 00000 00.00 Enterprise Systems (Healthcare) Generating Revenue 0000000 00000000
Ieso Digital Health 23-Nov-2021 Later Stage VC 000.00 Application Software Generating Revenue 00000000 0000000
Ultraleap 17-Nov-2021 Later Stage VC 0000 Electronics (B2C) Generating Revenue 0000 000000 00.0
You’re viewing 10 of 412 investments and acquisitions. Get the full list »
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IP Group Exits (125)

Company Name Exit Date Exit Type Exit Size
SpecifiedBy 11-Oct-2021 Merger/Acquisition 00.000
000000 00000000 00 30-Sep-2021 000 00000
00000000 14-Sep-2021 000 00 00000000
00000000 00000000 14-Sep-2021 000 00 00000000
00000000000 02-Jul-2021 000000000000000000
000000000 000000 01-Jul-2021 000000000 00000000
0000 0000000000 (0 30-Jun-2021 000000000000000000
00000000000 22-Jun-2021 000000000000000000
Inivata 18-Jun-2021 Merger/Acquisition 00000
Edgetic 16-Jun-2021 Bankruptcy: Liquidation
You’re viewing 10 of 125 exits. Get the full list »

IP Group Fund Performance

Fund Name Vintage Size Dry Powder DPI RVPI TVPI IRR

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IP Group Investments by Industry, Year, and Region

Investments by Industry

Investments by Year

Investments by Region

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IP Group Team (83)

Name Title Deals Funds Boards Office
Greg Smith Chief Executive Officer, Executive Director and Member of the Board of Directors 0 London, United Kingdom
Alan Aubrey Chief Executive Officer, Executive Director, and Member of the Board of Directors 00 0 0 London, United Kingdom
David Baynes Chief Operating Officer, Executive Director and Member of the Board of Directors 00 0 0 London, United Kingdom
Lewis Liu Ph.D Managing Director, Greater China & China Head, Cleantech 0 0 0 London, United Kingdom
Michael Molinari Ph.D Managing Director, Australia 0 0 0 London, United Kingdom
You’re viewing 5 of 83 team members. Get the full list »